
Our new toy

Recently, Michael bought a Yashica D medium format camera. This thing is great, a real workhorse. Michael's been playing a lot with it, exploring Madison and the surrounding area to find things to photograph. He's found a lot of cool old barns and farmhouses. Here's one of my favorites of his:

He took me on one of his trips and I got to play a bit with the camera. It's fun to notice how my mind has to change the way it thinks when a) I'm using film instead of digital b) I have to "see" in black and white instead of color and c) I have to remember that the Yashica flips the image so when I move the camera to the right, the image moves to the left. Here's one of my photos from that adventure:

I'm sure when the weather gets a little warmer (it's still only in the 30s during the day here in frigid Wisconsin!) we'll go on more expeditions. We'll keep you posted!

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