
The adventure begins...

Tomorrow morning at 5am (yes, I said 5am) we'll board a bus that will take us to Chicago to board a plane that will take us across the Atlantic Ocean to start our trip of a lifetime. Michael and I will be traveling in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and the Balkans for the next six weeks. "What's your itinerary?" you ask. "Well," I say, taking a deep breath, "Italy, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine and back to Italy. Oh, and you can click here to see a more detailed itinerary." Yeah, six weeks. :) And you can just imagine how many pictures that translates to. Let's just put it this way--when we spent 3 weeks in Thailand, we took over 2000 images between the two of us. So that means....over 4000?? Whoa.

During the trip, we're gonna do our darndest to keep y'all updated and share some of our photos with you. So check in periodically or, even better, subscribe to this blog (scroll to the bottom of this page and click on "subscribe to posts") so you'll know IMMEDIATELY when we've hit the "publish post" button. That way you don't have to sit in front of your computer all day every day hitting refresh every 30 seconds (Mom, I'm talking to you.) :)

So with that, I'm off to pack my bag, charge our camera batteries and update the music on my iPod. Ciao!!

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