
Ok, so it's not spidey vision...

So I'm a member of the Digital Wedding Forum, a great online resource for professional wedding photographers all over the world. And as all good DWFers do, I procrastinate by surfing the site and learning lots of new photography tips, readings posts, etc. :) I just came across a link for the FM 100 Hue Test, an online test that allows you to test your color vision. Ok, so it's totally dorky, but I actually had FUN doing it! I know, I said it was dorky. And, it turns out, I have 100% PERFECT COLOR VISION! All that really means is that I'm good at color correcting to make sure that photos come out the right colors and you don't look purple-ish (or green-ish or red-ish or whatever-ish) in all the pictures. So hooray for my eyes!!! In my head, as I read the test results, I actually said "Good job, guys, keep up the good work!". Somehow my eyes are male in my female body. Go figure. Lol.

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